Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Isla Joins Red Sox Nation

Knight Liam

Liam's version of pajamas one evening.

Father and Son Go To Boston

A trip for "Sam I Am's Gagy-gation".
Congrats Uncle Sam!
Liam in Harvard Square
Picking Paul Pierce's nose
Go Celtics!

Anne Gets Her Masters (YAY!)

Easter 2008

April 2008

Uncle G visits LA
Story time for Liam and Isla
Bed time hugs

Liam Turns Three

Birthday Party at the Eco Station

Isla Allaire Burke Arrives

January 22, 2008

Christmas 2007

Will, Anne, Liam & Isla (in belly)

Saturday, May 12, 2007

A St. Patrick's Day Celebration

Liam learns the true meaning behind St. Patrick's Day. Green neckwear & Guinness.

Liam Turns Two

Bubbles, balloons, & birthday cake. What else could a two-year old want?? How about Papi and Grammie, friends, and two birthday cakes!


Monday, December 11, 2006

Winter Wonderland in LA?

The Burkes are getting ready for Santa...wait, Santa who??

Papi & Grammie coming to town beat Santa anyday!

Summer Days

This post is long over due. Liam had a great summer. He spent some time with his cousin Miles...

Mom & Liam spent a fabulous 2 & 1/2 weeks in Falmouth, MA. We had a great time celebrating Uncle Dan & Auntie Kathryn's wedding & going to the beach with Daddy.

Liam got his first hockey lessons from Dad.


Sunday, April 30, 2006

Liam is Advanced

Liam is so advanced, in fact, that the Terrible Twos are arriving early. Speculations on this advancement...

Is Liam working too hard?

Is it the drinking?

My fiercely independent son now likes takes to biting the person that refuses him what he wants. This may or may not be accompanied by emphatic arms dropping to his side with some screaming. Will and I are practicing our calm "please don't do that" followed by us walking away from his 10 second tantrum.

He's also discovering that if he lifts his legs high enough he can climb stuff. This, of course, inlcudes all things he should not climb.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

I can't believe Liam is 13 months old. Where did the time go? He is already displaying signs of an eldest child even though he doesn't have any younger siblings. (Information current as of 11:59PM August 19, 2006.) He likes to be chased by Daddy, is obsessed with dogs, and thinks its funny to crinkle his nose while breathing in (or out) to "smell" things.


What's Hot:

Walking, Teletubbies, Book about boats, Signing

What's Not:
Crawling, Mushrooms, Green beans, Being fed by Dad or Mom

What to Eat:
French fries, Scrambled eggs with cheddar cheese, Yogurt, Did we say french fries??

What to Drink:
Milk, Anything Dad or Mom is drinking (yes, that includes coffee & Guinness)

What to Wear:
Polo shirts, Feetie pajamas, Matching outfits with Daddy

Wednesday, November 23, 2005


Welcome to the Burke Family News blog!

This is a blog for Will, Anne, & Liam Burke. Visit here often for updates.
Pictures coming soon!
